Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung bekerjasama dengan AP3SI menyelenggarakan The 2nd UPI ICSE (International Conference on Sociology Education). Bertemakan Social Dynamic: Culture, Politic, and Education, kegiatan ini terselenggara pada tanggal 4 Oktober 2017 bertempat di Gedung Ahmad Sanusi (BPU) UPI Bandung.

Ada empat pembicara utama yang diundang ke 2nd UPI ICSE. Mereka adalah Prof. Dr. Karim Suryadi, M.Si. dari Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jorgen Hellman, Ph.D. dari University of Gothenberg, Swedia, M. Najib Azca, Ph.D. dari Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, dan Sulfikar Amir, Ph.D. dari Nanyang Technological University, Singapura.

Call for Paper 2nd UPI ICSE menerima artikel-artikel dengan pilihan tema berikut.

  1. Interdisciplinary Studies: Educational Sociology, Political Sociology, Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Law, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Science, Sociology of Disaster, Sociology of Art and Literature, Religion Education, Sociology of Environment, Sociology of Tourism, Sociology of Technology, Sociology of Communication, Paedagogy, Philosophy, Education Measurements and Evaluation
  2. Applied Sociology: Religion and Community Planning, Marriage and Family Counseling, Human Relation and Industry, Personal Selection and Training, Social Legislation, Health and Welfare, Problems of the Aged, Youth and Child Welfare, Sociology of Religion
  3. Social Change: Social Control, Social Process, Social Movement, Historical and Technological Changes, Social Mobility, Diffusion of Innovation, Culture and Social Education
  4. Rural-Urban: Rural Community Analysis, Urban Community Analysis, Community Analysis, Human Ecology, Regional Studies, Historical Community and Society Development, Culture and Civilization
  5. Public Opinion and Community: Public Opinion Measurement, Propaganda Analysis, Mass Communication, Attitude Studies, Morale Studies, Value Education

Paper yang dikirimkan telah dipublikasikan dalam proceeding terindeks SCOPUS. 5 paper terpilih telah dipublikasikan dalam jurnal yang terindeks SCOPUS.

Informasi lebih lanjut tentang kegiatan ini dapat dilihat langsung pada laman web resmi 2nd UPI ICSE di http://upiicse.conference.upi.edu/2017.

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